CSR2 Showdown is here!

Showdown is here!


Tomorrow we will soft launch an exciting new feature to randomly selected players - learn all about Showdown in the blog post below!

What is Showdown?

Showdown is a new quick-matchmaking PvP feature, which gets you in intense races in seconds with actual players around the globe. Here’s your chance to crush your rivals and own the competition!

How does it work?

Select one of the Showdown events on the map, pull up to the line and accept the challenge of whoever throws down.

  • Quick match-making ensures you are in a race in seconds with rivals are on your level! The competition never sleeps with a Showdown in Los Derivas 24/7.

  • Win the race and win your opponent’s trophies! Take down your rivals and come out on top for unique rewards that change daily

  • Overall collected trophies will get you closer to some highly desirable, unique rewards

  • Face new challenges with every new Showdown event, which require you to use your whole collection of cars, old and new!.

We will see you on the streets!

Why are we doing a soft launch?

We want to ensure that the final ShowDown feature is stable and fun. To get to that stage we have to do a few tests in the live environment of CSR2. We will run three initial Soft Launch Showdown Events over the next few weeks. As the feature is still in testing, player experience might not be optimal yet.

The first few races will put you in a bracket where you are racing against AI. AI competitors might race cars you aren’t allowed to use.

Soft Launch Schedule


Showdown Soft Launch 1

This event will be kept simple and fun. All you will need is a tier 1 car that can take on the competition in quarter mile races. This event will go live on August 6.

Showdown Soft Launch 2

For this event, you will need Ford Mustang GT Premium. This muscle car is perfect to challenge whoever throws down in quarter mile races.

Showdown Soft Launch 3

In the third event, you can own the streets in style! You can use any Lamborghini and claim your opponent’s trophies after a series of half mile races.

Who will be selected to take part in the soft launch?

Participants for the Showdown soft launch are randomly selected.

Our team wants to ensure our players are part of shaping this new feature.

If you are one of the lucky players to take part in the soft launch please do give us any feedback on our social channels. There will also be a survey published in-game after the second event where we would love to get your feedback on some specific areas!

We are really excited to get this new feature in your hands and we appreciate your patience whilst we roll out the soft launch events.

When will the full Showdown feature be available?

In the upcoming weeks we will run more Showdown Soft Launch events in different areas of the game, while making it available to more players. Follow us on our Social Media channels for updates on Showdown.

Will Showdown replace the Live Race feature?

We don’t have any plans to replace the Live Race feature with Showdown. While designing Showdown we kept Live Races in mind and how Showdown can be an entertaining alternative to it. Showdown matches you immediately with a racer who over time will match your trophy ranking, while Live Race lets you choose your rival yourself.

Head over to the FAQ page for any additional questions!

If you have any feedback or would like to see any new features introduced to the game join the CSR2 discussion on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube to let us know what you think!

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