CSR2 Realistic Drag Racing Events Types - CSR Racing 2

CSR2 Realistic Drag Racing Events Types - CSR Racing 2

CSR2 Realistic Drag Racing Events Types - CSR Racing 2

CSR2 Realistic Drag Racing Events Types - CSR Racing 2

CSR2 Gold cup

an event with a single lock-in, any tier usually 30 races long, no prize car.

CSR2 Duality cup

an event with 2 lock-ins, can be spread between 2 different or the same tier. 40 to 60 races long, may or may not have a prize car.

CSR2 Evo Cup

A possible continuation of a gold cup, 15 races long, always has a prize car.

CSR2 Trinity Cup

An event with 3 lock-ins, lock-ins are usually related in a way, 45 to 60 races long, may or may not have a prize car.

CSR2 Realistic Drag Racing Events Types - CSR Racing 2

CSR2 Showdown

An event where you race against other players in required cars, has a milestone and/or leaderboard prize car

CSR2 Flash Event

CSR2 Realistic Drag Racing Events Types - CSR Racing 2

An event with 1/2 lock-ins, always has Purple Star cars as Lock-ins (Paid, gold or showdown), 30-60 races long, no prize car.

CSR2 Special Event

An event with 4-6 lock-ins, spread between paid and free lock-ins, 60-100 races long, always has a prize car.

CSR2 Finale

An event with 5-10 lock-ins, spread between paid and free lock-ins, 60-200 races long, always has a prize car, Final big event of an event series.

CSR2 Supply Cup

A 1/2 lock-in event that allows the usage of a special event lock-in or prize car and rewards a lot of fusion parts and stage 6s for upgrades.
Epilogue: A 1/2 lock-in event that allows the usage of the Finale's prize car and rewards a lot of fusion parts and stage 6s for upgrades.
